Creative Society Is Our Choice | Song

26 May 2022

💠 The song “Creative Society Is Our Choice” has been inspired by the idea of the unity of all people in the world around the universal value of Human Life. It’s an invitation for everyone to watch the International online forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live", to join the movement of the Creative Society and to make a personal input into building prospering, humane, constructive and creative society in our world for ourselves and future generations, to make life worth living, not just existing as in today’s consumerist self-destructive society, based on greed and selfishness. Today only the unity of all people can save our world. And this is a call for unity for all.

💠 Lyrics:

We’re all people we deserve to live in piece

And only together we may achieve this

The world where we’re free to do what

we love

The world in which we fly like turtledoves

All around the world, we hear people’s voice

Creative Society our choice

We wanna live in a world with the main law

To act and behave on the basis of Love

So if you want

To build a world

Where people live

All happily

Just take my hand

I show you how

Just let's unite

And spread the light

Of Love, Of Love, Of Love, Of Love…

Be who you are – you're the human with heart

To change the whole world, you just need to feel great Love

And stop being silent just share what you think

Creative Society – your chance to get the wings

And fly above

Like turtledove

And see the world

Where love the only law

Friends, let's unite

And leave behind

All grudges and pain

And feel the rain of Love

💠 Thanks to the volunteer interpreters, the videos are translated into 100 languages. Here is where the entire humanity unites in a common goal and global action — it is building the Creative Society. Large-scale international conferences and projects are being organized to ensure a secure future for everyone.

💠 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live"


The Creative Society is an international human project for all people and for you.

💠 Official website of the Creative Society project


➡️[email protected]

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Now each person can really do a lot!
The future depends on the personal choice of each individual!