We Want to Live — Rachel Farris feat. RoyStar SoundSick

7 May 2022

Today it is more important than ever for all of us – people living on Earth – to realize the scale of the threat hanging over all of us and to have time to do the only thing that can save us and our common planet – to build a Creative Society! It is for the purpose of informing people about the seriousness of the climate threat and the importance of participation of each person in the process of building the Creative Society, participants of this global human project hold all kinds of events to bring people together. One of these momentous events of human importance is the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live", which will take place on May 7, 2022, at 3pm GMT:


And this song is an invitation to this forum. An invitation in this creative form. After all, every person, who is aware of how important it is to unite all people into one common human family, in every way tries to convey this understanding to all people. After all, we are all people! And we all want to live!

"We are people. We want to live!"

We Want to Live

We are humans

We can be heroes

We weren’t created to divide and not to give

We are creative

We are inventive

We don’t want destruction

We want to live

Where there’s water for the thirsty

Nutrition for the hungry

Shelter for displaced ones

And help in catastrophe

We know we’re one family

If we’re human, it’s easy to see

And refuse to let our loved ones be sold into slavery


Where there’s culture in every nation

Peace and no segregation

Love and no more fear of losing everything

Unity in God’s creation

Human life without exploitation

Children playing safely outside, in unison they sing

We are humans

We can be heroes

We weren’t created to divide and not to give

We are creative

We are inventive

We don’t want destruction

We want to live

You might hear a voice saying it’s not possible

But it’s our choice if we can create the impossible

We are so powerful, heroes in the making

We can be the messenger for those we know awakening

Share with them our choices

Let’s combine resources

Let’s unite our forces

Together raise our voices

Thank God for our ability

Let’s take responsibility

We can solve these problems if we come together willingly

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Now each person can really do a lot!
The future depends on the personal choice of each individual!