How to Inform EVERYONE About the Creative Society?

20 May 2023

Each of us wants to live in a world where there are no enemies and there is no one to fear, where there is no inflation or other negativity. How can we transition to the Creative Society, and what should each of us do for that?

What does a global unity of people mean? Is there anything we can guarantee for our descendants nowadays? Authority and politics in the Creative Society: will they exist?

Why are we afraid to talk about the benefits of the Creative Society format for every human? Why is it so important to inform everyone in your environment about the Creative Society? How can this be easily done?

Everyone has the right to know about such an amazing opportunity — the only Chance for our humanity to survive and build a wonderful future for ourselves and our descendants.

Watch the full version of the video “Creative Society Unites Everyone”, an excerpt from which is presented herein.

"Creative Society Unites Everyone":

Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

➡️ Watch the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out" in 150 languages, where the current climate situation and the way out through the implementation of the Creative Society International Project, were most comprehensively covered:

➡️ Video “Creative Society or the Cerberus”:

✅ Please follow the link and subscribe to our channel on Rumble the video hosting platform:

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Now each person can really do a lot!
The future depends on the personal choice of each individual!