13 June 2023

So what happened was because of the heavy rainfalls we have. We've gotten the past few, I think, two weeks. We didn't expect it to happen so fast. The flooding and all of that, - Kyle Streicher of South Africa, who witnessed the unprecedented flooding, tells us.

FEBRUARY 8, 2023

💦 South Africa: Torrential rains began to fall in the eastern provinces for several days. Rivers overflowed and road infrastructure was damaged in many places. Kruger National Park and Lowveld National Botanical Gardens were flooded.

⚠️ Several deaths are reported, there are missing persons. Hundreds of people have been evacuated to temporary shelters.

And then we saw the water pushing through the fence and then. It started to get into the first apartment by the sliding door. So then we started to panic, and then we moved all our furniture upwards. But as soon as it went to the second apartment and the third apartment, we knew we couldn't do that much, much more. So we started to carry out the important stuff.

But so far, there were no fatalities in this case. But a lot of people lost a lot of their belongings. There are people that are very much worse off than us. People's houses float away. Flood with the river. People's cars, trailers. There were people stuck on the roofs. Helicopters came to fetch people off the roofs. There were rubber duckies. Also rescue boats going out, trying to look for people if any people were in need of help.

A lot of people from the street side came into the farm and they helped. They helped a lot. And that I can give to humanity is when they see somebody who needs help, they will give it to one another. So they act very quickly.

We ourselves didn't get any help from the government. The only help we are getting is from a family, friends, even strangers. For example, people today bought me clothes, soaps and all my necessities to help me out. But as far as the government, we didn't get any help from them.

I'm only 22 now. So at my age, I don't think any of this would happen. I only see it in movies. And then I didn't think it would happen to me or my family, that we would lose everything.

So it was very inspiring for me to see humanity actually getting together and wanting to help one another because if you think about it, actually, we all are the same. And everyone has needs. Everyone has a feeling within them that would make you happy if someone else helps you. But just by helping people, you would definitely put a smile on someone's face, even if it doesn't benefit you as a person, but it benefits others.

🌎 Our channel “Told by eyewitnesses” covers global problems of humanity: cataclysms, cataclysms of the week,climate change, global warming, climate, cataclysms today, natural disasters, disasters, natural cataclysms, storm, flood, heat wave, glacier melting, global climate change, drought, earthquake, warming, fires, record snowfall, mudslide, tornado, heat wave, flooding flood, tsunami,what is happening to the world.

Time Is Running Out. The Greatest Event in History took place on April 22, 2023, @15:00 GMT at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out"

🌐 https://creativesociety.com/global-crisis-there-is-a-way-out

👉 Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity | International Online Forum November 12, 2022


Creative Society or the Cerberus


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