Muhib Rehman Gharshin | Deadly floods in Balochistan

27 June 2023

📍 NO ONE IS SAFE: Today, even if people receive warnings about foreseen natural disasters, it is impossible to get ready for them or even to evacuate if people don't know where and how. Natural disasters: floods, storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires are terrible with their consequences. People die and go missing, they get physical and psychological traumas, lose their homes, cars, all their livelihoods.

Often, we can only get an idea of the scale of a disaster from the eyewitness accounts.

An eyewitness from Pakistan talks about the aftermath of the recent flooding

"My name is Muhib Rehman.

🌊 Two weeks ago we had very heavy heavy rains, and many children died in this torrential rain, as a result of the flooding. We lost homes, we lost ... psychologically, socially and financially.

People have lost their shelters, their homes. And they're struggling to rebuild their homes after the flood, and the government isn't working."

"We people ... for example, I say I'm Pakistani, I'm Ukrainian, I'm Indian. These things are useless when our existence could be threatened. We must unite...👭👬 Neither race, nor language, nor religion, nor political differences can prevent us from achieving our goals."

"We must look at the challenges of the world through the lens of humanity. We are one body. When one part of the body hurts, it means that all parts of the body are in a restless state. That's why we must come together."

GLOBAL CRISIS. WE ARE PEOPLE. WE WANT TO LIVE | International Online Forum | May 7th, 2022

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