CRUSHING Tropical Storm Agatha. Eyewitness News. Hurricane Agatha → Mexico

5 May 2023

And then, oh my gosh, it wasn't even… I wouldn't even say it was like 2 hours when the trees started to like crack, it started to sound like giants were at war. Like giant’s bones were breaking. It was just like these big, beautiful trees were, like splitting in half because of the wind, - Anna, an artist from Mexico, recounts her experiences during Hurricane Agatha.

MAY 31, 2022.

🌀 MEXICO: Hurricane Agatha reached the Pacific coast of Mexico near the state of Oaxaca and passed through resort areas, wreaking havoc all around. Wind speeds reached 165 kilometers per hour and waves were 6-8 meters high.

🆘 It was a category, they say, on the border of a category two, category three. It was really strong. It was really, really scary. I will never forget the sound. I'm getting chills thinking about it. But it was like a “oh”, like a really deep, I don't know. It was like a guttural sound coming from the sky. And it was crazy…

In Mexico,... there are a lot of metal laminas. And so with the heavy winds, they were like flying everywhere. You could hear these like metal things, like slamming into everything.

☀️ And then there was really eerie, like, peace. So once we saw that the sun started to come out, which was like, oh my God, it was the best, the best light I'd ever seen, oh, my God, thank God this is over!

It was really heartbreaking because it was just like 6 hours before, it was like a normal, normal town. And then when I stepped outside, it was just everything was like broken. Everything was on the floor. Trees were on the floor. And I was, like, walking on top of people's roofs.

…but I had no idea that something like that was going to happen, that something of that magnitude and something that violent.

⚠️ At some point, climate change is going to affect every. I mean, it is affecting every single person now.

🔹 I dream of a society that no longer lives in an oppressive system because that's the reality now, and so we have governments that are so greedy, so dangerous, I think. And I wish that there were governing bodies that actually treated human beings like human beings.

🔹 Deep in my heart, I know that there are good people that are doing the good work that are doing what's right. I really believe that there are so many beautiful human beings working for justice.

🔹 I really believe that we are in some awakening phase. I really do think that people are waking up and seeing that not as. Like there's just so much chaos happening in this world in this very moment. And I think people are tired.

Time Is Running Out. The Greatest Event in History will take place on April 22, 2023, @15:00 GMT at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out"


👉 Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity | International Online Forum November 12, 2022

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