Apocalypse in the Canaries Severe floods in Canada, India Eyewitnesses Abnormal snowfalls.

21 November 2021

Earthquakes above magnitude 6 occur alarmingly regular:

on November 14, two earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 and 6.3 were recorded in south Iran with an interval of one and a half minutes. One casualty has been reported. The hypocenter of the earthquakes occurs at a depth of about 10 kilometers. The tremors were felt not only by Iranians but also by residents of the United Arab Emirates.

The eyewitnesses of the event will tell you about it in this episode.

On November 4, 2021, on the island of La Palma, Canary Islands, the Cumbre Vieja volcano continued erupting, this time opening a new crater on Mount Kogote. On November 5, the Spanish Geological Survey officially confirmed that sulfur appeared on the edges of the volcano's crater. And this means that there has been a dramatic change in the composition of the magma. The eruption does not stop, but its dynamics change.

On November 4 and 5, heavy rains hit Bosnia and Herzegovina, which caused severe floods in some areas, especially the capital Sarajevo. Seething streams of water rapidly flooded homes, industrial buildings and highways.

On November 5, a hail storm swept over the Spanish island of Majorca. In the city of Cala Ratjada, in just 15 minutes, the streets of the city were covered with a layer of ice up to 30 centimeters high.

On November 11, 2021, a strong storm Blas hit Spain once again affecting Mallorca: as a result of heavy rains, several rivers overflowed their banks. Nearby territories and settlements were flooded, buildings and highways were damaged, and the electricity supply was disrupted. On the same day, heavy rains caused flooding on the islands of Sardinia and Sicily in Italy. Unfortunately, one person died.

Earlier, on November 6, heavy rains in southern India also led to devastating floods. Sadly, there were casualties. More than 50 thousand residents were affected, and thousands of people were evacuated.

Meanwhile, in neighboring Sri Lanka, 13 out of 25 districts of the country were affected by the disaster. There have been reports of dead and missing people.

On November 13, 8 tornadoes swept through the territory of the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island in the USA. The last time that a tornado was recorded in November dates back to 1950.

Between November 14 and 15, a storm with powerful hail hit the city of Puebla de Zaragoza, Mexico. Traffic was paralyzed. The layer of hail in some areas was 60 centimeters deep.

On November 15, 2021, the province of British Columbia in southwestern Canada was hit by powerful storms with strong winds and heavy rains.

Due to the floods, residents of the city of Merritt were evacuated, and the city of Vancouver was completely cut off from the rest of Canada.

Meanwhile, a state of emergency was declared in some parts of the US state of Washington.

On November 15, abnormal rains hit the resort city of Hurghada in Egypt, causing floods.

On November 17, a powerful hurricane hit the city of Taraz, Kazakhstan: the strongest gusts of wind over 100 kilometers per hour tore off roofs, felled trees, demolished cars and knocked people down. Sadly, one person died and some were injured.

Thousands of local residents were left without electricity and without heating.

Snowfall has also become an abnormal phenomenon of nature.

On the eve of the summer season, the state of Tasmania, Australia, faced severe cold and snowfall. In the state capital, Hobart, the lowest night temperature in almost 70 years was recorded.

From November 7 to November 9, 2021, record snowfalls hit the capital of China - Beijing, the regions of Inner Mongolia and the northeastern provinces of the country. They were accompanied by strong winds and blizzards. Unfortunately, one person was reported dead and thousands were injured.

The maximum depth of the snow cover was 41 cm, which is the largest in the last 116 years.

On November 15, abnormal snowfalls also hit the northern prefecture of Hokkaido in Japan, the temperature dropped to -12 °C in the city of Shibecha.

Now it is absolutely obvious that the climate is changing because we see these changes already outside the window. But the real reason is still a matter of discussion on this topic. Time is passing, and there are still no effective solutions.

What does our insatiable consumption, greed and ignorance lead to during a catastrophic climate change?

We invite you to join the large-scale online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth", which will be held on December 4, 2021. Everyone has the opportunity to become a part of this unique event.

“GLOBAL CRISIS. THIS ALREADY AFFECTS EVERYONE" | International online conference | July 24, 2021


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