How Сan the Creative Society Save Humanity from Climate Disasters?

5 June 2022

There is no country in the world today that can face the challenges of climate change alone. More and more people and politicians are coming to the conclusion that the only chance for the survival of everyone is to unite all human resources. This can only become possible with the building of a fundamentally new non-consumerist format of society which is the Creative Society.

Many people have already heard about the Creative Society International Project and that this project allows solving the problem of climate disasters. How exactly can this project help people escape from the climate crisis?

Igor Mikhailovich Danilov answers this question in detail and explains with simple examples why humanity will not be able to consolidate and survive without replacing the consumerist format with the creative one. He explains how the consumerist format manifests itself in our lives, and what are its failures. And most importantly, Igor Mikhailovich gives an understanding of what is the key resource for the survival of humanity, and what are the possibilities for people to manage not only the climate but all of the matters around us.

Watch the full version of the video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "Climate Threats. Variants for Survival," an excerpt of which is presented in this video:

➡️ "Creative Society Unites Everyone":

➡️ International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" interpreted into 100 languages:

➡️ International Online Conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone."

🌐 Official website of the Creative Society International Project:

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