Child Slavery and Abuse | Debra Brown, Canada

25 August 2022

🆘 Until when will we allow this to happen? Are we worthy to be called human beings while this is happening in our world? Debra Brown from Canada, founder and CEO of Pillars of Hope, the organization that helps children who are victims of slavery and abuse, talks about how widespread the problem is, what causes it has and how we can still turn towards the good.

"Basically, it all I think boils down to child abuse. If there was no child abuse, there would be nothing like this. It would be unheard of to buy a child for sex. It would be unheard of to force a, you know, eight or nine-year-old child into slave labor."

The reason for all this nightmare is the consumerist format of society with its spiritual and moral degradation. If there was no demand, there would be no child trafficking. You can learn the truth about all the crises of modern society and the real ways out by watching the International online forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live", organized by people from 180 countries and simultaneously interpreted into 100 languages. Please share the link to the forum on your social networks, with your friends and acquaintances.

🌍 Forum with a choice of viewing language:

➡️ Video "Creative Society. Questions and Answers":

➡️ "The paradox: Hunger in the Midst of Plenty. How to Solve It? | International Discussion":

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society international project:

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