We Won't Make it Alone | Feedback on the Forum

14 July 2022

The truth resounds around the world. The staggering facts about increasing climate cataclysms, economic slavery, modern wars were voiced by scientists, eyewitnesses and active participants of the Creative Society project at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" held on 7 May 2022.

The extent of the crisis is such that in the next few years it will lead to the total annihilation of humanity. It is, therefore, necessary to inform the world population about the importance of uniting and building the Creative Society.

The truth which was announced at the Forum inspired people to act actively and share their realizations and understandings after watching it.

We can still change everything. But it takes all the people of our planet to prevent the demise of humanity.

🌐 Watch the broadcast of the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" and share the link with your friends. Simultaneous interpreting into 100 languages:


➡️ "People Must Live! | International discussion":


☀️ You can find out about and join the international public project of a new format on the Creative Society platform's official website:


📩 E-mail: [email protected]

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Now each person can really do a lot!
The future depends on the personal choice of each individual!