Refugees. Where to Expect Help From? | International Discussion

20 February 2022

Refugee. How is he different from you? After all, he is a person with a life just like yours: he has a family, job, home, car, and plans for the future. That he had until a certain unexpected moment, which changed everything and he got that awful status in our society – a refugee.

🌍 On today's international discussion, we will meet people who, unfortunately, know firsthand what this is like.

The guests on today's broadcast are:

📍 Hassan Khan Sherazi, social worker (Pakistan)

📍 Sahil Zabih, a refugee from Afghanistan now living in Indonesia

🔹 What happens to people when they are forced to leave their homes?

🔹 What conditions do they live in afterward and do they get any help?

🔹 How important is it to cover the refugee situation truthfully?

The absurdity of the consumerist society is that we have all the resources and technology to ensure there are no hungry people on our planet. But money comes first in today's world! In order to eliminate the very root of what is happening, it is necessary to completely change the format of society from the consumerist to a creative and constructive one!

🌍 📢 We invite everyone to participate in the International Forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live”, which will take place on May 7, 2022. Learn more about the upcoming event:

➡️ International online conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth”, interpreted into 100 languages of the world:

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society international project:

📩 E-mail: [email protected]

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