How is it possible that those who were supposed to protect the law have allowed the systematic violation of the law and persecution of people?
Imagine such a situation. A group of maniacs are slowly killing a man in a square in broad daylight. However, the security guards prefer to run to the basement for coffee so they don't have to watch. The prosecutor turns his back. The others just watch in silence.
What to do in a situation like this? Do the authorities have to wait for this person to file a criminal complaint, or should someone have intervened immediately?
The question then arises, what to do with those who are supposed to protect but cover their eyes and do nothing instead? What to do about criminal negligence?
We do not know the answer to that question. Therefore, we now turn to all lawyers: how would you classify this?
The video was provided by our partner organization ALLATRA.
#democracy #podcast #news
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