America Needs Change | TikTalk on Creative Society Show

29 September 2022

In the new episode of the TikTalk on Creative Society Show, the hosts of the online conference "Global Crisis. USA" Taliy Shkurupiy and RoyStar SoundSeek talk with Elica Le Bon, a criminal defense attorney from the United States. Elica is very popular on TikTalk. Videos in which she talks about education and its problems get a lot of views.

We’ll find out our guest's reaction to the following videos from the conference:

️ 📽️ 1% of the richest people are constantly increasing their wealth while the majority of the population is only getting poorer. The economy of a new format will be built to benefit everyone

️📽️ Education will no longer be routine and debt bondage. In the Creative Society, quality and free education will be available everywhere around the world

📽️ Unity is the power. How can we unite our potential?

🌍 Dear friends, watch the full version of the International Online Conference "Global Crisis. USA."

Share the link to the video on your social networks, with your friends and acquaintances. Let's make sure we have a future!

➡️ "Global Crisis. USA" | Online Conference:

➡️ "Do You Want to Know Why the Whole World Is So Ambushed? | TikTalk on Creative Society Show":

➡️ "Education. What Changes Are Needed? | Experts Talk":

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society International Project:

📩 E-mail: [email protected]

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Now each person can really do a lot!
The future depends on the personal choice of each individual!