Absurdity of the Consumer Society. Planned Obsolescence. Part 8

2 March 2024

Electric light bulb... A while ago, this indispensable household device revealed to the world a new disease or absurdity in consumer society. Planned obsolescence. This term is more than 100 years old. What is it? This is the property of goods created with an unreasonably short life span in order to force consumers to repeated purchases. Sales incentive.

One famous blogger, put it this way:

"This is the market, gentlemen. Old things must break down because sales are the heart of the system, the engine of development and progress. Those who do not understand this do not understand how the world is designed."

What can we say, gentlemen, we are probably just ordinary losers if we accept this so easily. Let's get to the bottom of it. There is a lot of information on the Internet on this subject, I will not be original, I will only repeat and draw conclusions.

"Global Crisis. The Responsibility":


"Global Crisis. There is a Way Out":


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