Chief Technology Officer, Executive Director at Titomic, Industrial innovation visionary
Jeffrey Lang is an experienced senior executive and technologist in R&D of advanced manufacturing technologies and implementation of automated manufacturing operations in Australia, Europe and Asia.
During his years in the field in several industries, Jeffrey Lang has received awards in Europe, China and Australia for his work in composite technology and commercialisation of new manufacturing systems and products.
Jeff has 30 years of experience in materials science and advanced technology, working and collaborating with many international brands, manufacturers, universities, government agencies, scientific organisations and industry associations.
As a corporate and innovation visionary, Jeffrey Lang has led multiple efforts in the development of future advanced technologies by driving a culture of “outside the box” thinking to successfully manage collaborations and partnerships in advanced technologies and product innovation.
Thank you, and thank you ALLATRA and greetings everyone. It’s a great opportunity and privilege to be and speak here about creativity and have that connection with industry and actually move towards a creative society for the world.
Is it time to explore the sustainability of human life and create a symbiosis with planet Earth? How do we collectively define the significance of human life and re-evaluate the indoctrinated cultural and social ideologies that have limited the nobility of our human creative potential?
These are thought-provoking questions that seed the foundations to explore human creativity as a significant noble virtue relative to experiencing human life. The world has changed a lot in the last 100 years and with the current Covid pandemic and looming climate crisis, the global economy has reached its maximum economic potential. What humanity once endeared as significant metrics of a purposeful human life, seem to no longer appease the yearning deep within our souls to fill the void of despair that trespasses our minds and limits our creative potential to experience the joys of human life.
Traditional top-down hierarchical governance and management structures, in our larger corporate and financial institutions, are now incongruent with the basic pillars of human life. This corporatised governance of the global economy feeds the nefarious desires of parasitical consumption at the expense of the world's younger generations and their future. The vast majority of humanity is disillusioned by the notable disparity of global wealth and the inequality of debt that enslaves so many people to a life of hardship.
As the broken global economy transitions to the United Nations Low-Carbon Global Economy, under the guise of the looming climate crisis, who benefits from the elevated debt and rapid pricing readjustments in the value of assets we only need to follow the money trail to know.
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors asked the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to review how the financial sector can take account of climate-related issues. Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance and Bank of England Governor, stated: “changes in climate policies, new technologies and growing physical risks will prompt reassessments of the values of virtually every financial asset. Now is the time to ensure that every financial decision takes climate change into account.”
Humanity is facing the paradox of a transition from a broken global system of economic government to tyrannical corportised elitism under the auspices of the UN's climate crisis agenda. Humans are born with freewill, however, the vast majority face generational indoctrination to the ideologues of limitation that reduce their potential significance to one of deluded enslavement with the simple reward system of monetised consumerism.
We must ask ourselves: is the global consumeristic format which we have right now damaging our human potential to experience the yearning of our mind, soul, and spirits to explore the joyfulness of human life? The people of the world have all inherited the legacies of their ancestors, and with each new generation, the opportunity presents itself to create a better future for themselves and their children.
The past few years we have witnessed the transgressions of the global elite and their broken system of governance and economic control. No longer can monetised consumerism fulfill our purpose in life to explore our humanness beyond the limits of enslavement our forefathers valiantly tried to transition from to create a better world. The amount of darkness historically created by humanity is enough to make it a metaphor for a noble path of creative empathy to realise humans are the infinite potential of this world.
There is a division within humanity occurring at an unprecedented level and the grandest deception of all is that the “minority” of people with unequivocal trust in corporatised pseudo-science and dictatorial governments are the “majority”. All great cycles of “empires” end with destruction and we are now witnessing the desperation of the hierarchical masters’ blatant attempts to maintain control with whatever nefarious methods they can.
Humanity now has the opportunity to create a bridge toward all the possibilities of human life and to open our minds to the reality that creating all we do with empathy is unquestionably the most significant action of noble grandeur a human can explore and experience. Creative empathy is the most significant virtue of human intelligence, as through the collective observation and perception of reality it defines a symbiosis that personifies unity.
In 2021, as we explore new horizons of hope and opportunity for humanity, we are seeding a congruence of collective intelligence to create new foundations for stability and sustainability through the noble intent of people’s empathy to build a Creative Society. Each of you individually contribute to creating the potential for global change framed within the focus of your life’s intent. Humans cognitively manifest their present reality and contribute to the collective reality by the intent of their actions that they have created.
To create unity from division we must not react to people’s delusions of perceived significance and moral superiority, as they know only what they know. Human empathy let’s one observe others' realities and not be entrapped into their vortex of reactive engagement but instead express wisdom with the sole intent of unifying all of humanity.
Creative empathy knows no limitations so let’s all make the effort in 2021 into the future to focus our human intent to be the noble guidance that humanity yearns for but fears to create. Creative empathy does not react with limitation; it rises like a Phoenix from the ashes of corrupted empires to build the Creative Society of unified noble grandeur. Thank you!