Truth Sounds Worldwide. Reviews | Global Crisis. Time For The Truth

12 February 2022

On December 4, 2021, at 15:00 GMT, there was a historic event for all humanity – the international online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth."

People from 180 countries have come together to study the situation in the world and bring vital information to people. The media won't talk about it! This event provided an opportunity to understand how low we, humans, have fallen, how serious the situation with the climate and ecology is, and how important it is for us right now to unite technical, scientific, and intellectual potential to achieve one goal — building a Creative society.

💬 Sergey Chernomaz (UAE): "Do you really think that everything is fine in the world if today we have food on our table and a place to live? Do you really think that tomorrow, in a week or a few months, everything will remain the same? Let's be honest with ourselves and look around. What's going on? Yes, this information is not pleasant, and it means that we need to get out of our comfort zone. But if we don't do it today, then tomorrow we may not have the same conditions that we have now!"

💬 Jennifer Ribeiro (Uruguay): "It was really wonderful to see the work of all the volunteers who, without expecting anything in return, only with a desire to bring the truth to people, put in all their efforts, working for months. And the truth is that it gave an incredible result. We hope that people will be able to realize everything that is happening. We must not be indifferent because there is very little time left to build a Creative Society."

💬 Olga Kurochkina: "The first step to overcome problems is to voice the truth as it is. The truth, of course, is tough, but realizing and understanding it, you know what you need to do and which way to go. You understand that you have to change the way of life, to change all the stereotypes from consumerism to creation."

➡️ International online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" with an option to choose translation among 100 languages of the world:

➡️ The official website of the Creative Society international project:

➡️ Email: [email protected]

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