How Vertical Farms and Aquaponics Can Solve Global Hunger Problem

6 June 2022

Technologies, which can provide everyone on the planet with quality food, already exist.

❓ But the question arises: "Why aren’t they implemented everywhere?"

Now this question should be asked by every person, as any of us can face the problem of hunger. Just look at the number of crises humanity is facing!

Where can you get help in case of fatal hopelessness?

If hunger overtakes your family, how will you answer your child’s question “Mom, what to eat today?”

That is why it is necessary to do everything possible now the technologies that provide food for every person to be implemented everywhere.

How can we do this? The answer to this and many other questions will be given on May 7, 2022, at the International Online Forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live."

More details about the event:

🌍 Watch the online conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" with language selection at the link:

🌍 Official website of the international project "Creative Society":

📩 [email protected]

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