Technology for All?!

16 April 2022

🏘 In today's world, there are already technologies which can provide affordable and quality housing for all people in the shortest possible time. For example, such an invention as a 3D printer that can:

🔹 Build a house of different sizes and number of storeys in 1-2 days

🔹 Provide housing for all people and keep them alive and healthy

This is all incredibly inspiring and exciting! But! With technology like this, millions of people around the world suffer and die every day.

💣 The consumerist format of society is killing people! Why do we let people die in inhumane conditions with such technology?

🔴 In 2021, the number of displaced people in the world was over 84 million

🔴 Refugees live in inhumane conditions

🌍 Your decision can save these people’s lives! Come to the international online forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live'' on May 7, 2022. To know more information about the forum, visit

➡️ Online conference "The Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" with language selection:

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society international project:

📩 E-mail: [email protected]

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Now each person can really do a lot!
The future depends on the personal choice of each individual!