How does the CORE affect climate?

16 December 2021

The planet's core is now having the greatest impact on the climate, contrary to the theory of the anthropogenic factor. Destabilization of the core leads to more volcanic eruptions and destructive earthquakes, and the weakening of the magnetic field.

A number of unprecedented changes are taking place in our planet's core:

🔺 in 1997-98 it anomalously shifted northwards

🔺 its asymmetric crystallization and unexplained phenomena at the very center of the core are now being observed

🔺 molten iron flow in the outer liquid core has been accelerating since 2015

🔺 the beating, microseismic manifestations emanating from the core, created by its dissonance, is increasing.

Due to the displacements of the core:

🔺 the planet tends to accelerate and build up centrifugal force

🔺 there is an expansion of the planet along the equator, which has been recorded from satellites

🔺 old cracks and fractures are activated and new cracks and fractures are appearing, driving water deep into the Earth

🔺 due to the core's dissonance and an increase in centrifugal force, magma begins to burst to the Earth's surface, eroding and heating the lithosphere from the inside more than usual

🔺 this leads to an increase in geothermal heat flow from the subsurface, raising magma chambers under the glaciers of West Antarctica and central Greenland, which accelerates glacier melting

🔺 groundwater boils up in Western Siberia and other regions with thin crust

🔺 the average temperature of the ocean waters is rising, anomalous regions of extreme water heating appear

🔺 the number, area, and duration of wildfires, which occur along faults in the earth's crust due to degassing - methane, hydrogen, and other flammable gases escaping from the subsurface /bowels of the Earth.

Another result of the core's imbalance is the weakening of the electromagnetic field, which has already surpassed 9%, a sudden growth of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly and accelerated magnetic pole drift.

But why is the interrelation of all these processes ignored by the scientific community? Isn't this topic a must-study for the survival of mankind during cataclysmic cycles occurring every 12,000 years?

However, the consumer format of society does not benefit from reporting even such vital information, because there is no money to be made on honest science about the Earth's core.

Therefore now it is more important than ever to have an objective view of what is happening to the planet, and do open, honest research into the real causes of climate change, the results of which must be made public. And this is only possible in the Creative format of society.

➡️ International online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" with an option to choose translation among 100 languages of the world:

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