9 august 2024

➣ I videoen "THE CROSSROADS" afslører Dr. Egon Cholakian chokerende sandheder om den nærmeste fremtid, som vi ikke kan ignorere.

I denne videoappel afslører den anerkendte Dr. Egon Cholakian opsigtsvækkende fakta i forbindelse med dokumentarfilmen "The IMPACT Documentary. All Episodes". Cholakian afslører den kraft, der har til formål at etablere et fjerde rige på verdensplan, og afslører dens metoder og specifikke planer for den nærmeste fremtid.

Hvor tæt er denne skjulte kraft på at realisere disse planer?

Hvad kan der ske i de kommende år, som kan udslette over tre milliarder mennesker fra jordens overflade?

Global genopblussen af nazismen.

Ny borgerkrig i USA.

En civilisationskrig.

Og vigtigst af alt: truslen om en global klimakatastrofe.

Hele nationers fremtid står på spil. Hvis der ikke gribes afgørende ind, vil alt dette blive en uundgåelig realitet for menneskeheden.

Hvor meget tid har mennesker tilbage til at forhindre alt dette? Og hvorfor valgte Dr. Egon Cholakian at appellere specifikt til præsident Putin? Dr. Egon Cholakian afslører svarene på alle disse og andre spørgsmål i denne unikke videotale, "THE CROSSROADS".

Previous video by Egon Cholakian "Undeclared war. America is under attack" • Undeclared war. America is under attack

"The IMPACT" Documentary

The IMPACT | Groundbreaking Documentary (

Official website of Dr. Egon Cholakian

https://earthsavesciencecollaborative.comOfficial Accounts of Dr. Egon Cholakian

LinkedIn: / a-egon-cholakian-11256b4



00:00 Introduction. ”The Impact”: an Ahead-of-its-time Film

03:17 Address to the Creators of "The Impact"

05:01 The Rise of Global Anti-Cultism: A Hidden Threat Exposed

11:14 Puzzle Coding: The Psychological Manipulation Behind School Shootings

11:56 45th US President Donald Trump and Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico Assassination Attempts: The Key Role of Puzzle Coding Method

15:00 Why Watching “The Impact” and Learning about the Problem of Puzzle Coding can Help Reduce Mass Shooting Cases by 80%

16:24 Consequences “The Impact” will Cause

18:21 Anti-cult Organizations - Tip of the Iceberg of Global Anti-Cultism

19:37 Civil War in the USA. First Step in the Enemy's Final Strategy

22:27 Real Reasons Behind the Waco Siege Tragedy in 1993

28:02 Collapse of the European Union. Second Step in the Enemy's Final Strategy

30:26 Civilizational War Between Muslim and Non-Muslim Worlds. Third Step in the Enemy's Final Strategy

36:12 Rise of Muslim Tension in Russia: Crocus City Hall and Dagestan Terrorist Attacks

38:48 The Role of Migration Flows from Muslim Countries to Europe in the Civilizational War

40:21 Scenario of the Civilizational War

45:31 Addressing the Real Scale of the Climate Crisis

46:46 The True Reason Behind Rapid Rise of Meteorological Hazards on Russian Territory since August 2023 and how it is Related to Banning ALLATRA in Russia

49:39 Dangerous Tendencies in the Earth’s Seismic Activity

50:37 President Putin's Role in Solving Global Crisis

52:15 The Resurgence of Nazism

56:50 Signs of Fascism and Nazism in Modern Russia

1:17:42 The Intertwining of Church and State supported by Anti-cult Organizations

01:19:17 Direct Appeal to Vladimir Putin

01:24:04 Hidden influence of Anti-Cult Organizations on Russia’s President and Russia

01:31:20 How Nazism Transformed German Society and is Transforming Russian Society Today

01:34:35 Patriarch Kirill's Statement echoes Nazi Germany's Protestant Pastor Rhetoric

01:36:56 The Role of the Church in Inciting Nazism in Modern Russia

01:38:28 How Nazi ideology is imposed on President Putin

01:45:55 Who Stands Behind President Putin

01:55:58 The Climate Catastrophe

01:57:04 Consequences of Unjust Persecution and Expulsion of ALLATRA International Organization from Russia.

01:58:13 Economic Losses due to the Climate Disasters in Russia since August 2023 and Who Should Be Held Accountable For It

02:03:47 Public Warnings of Dr. Cholakian and Mr. Danilov were not Heard

02:07:47 The Importance for President Putin to Become Aware of the Real Scale of Climate Threat Leading to Russia’s Destruction

02:11:27 How President Putin is Manipulated

02:13:36 Call for a Face to Face Meeting

02:16:18 Religious Rituals can not Combat the Climate Crisis. Science Can

02:19:47 Necessity of Establishing a Moratorium on Wars and Weaponry Use and Production for 100 Years. President Putin’s Role in It

02:21:56 How People of Russia will Remember President Putin

02:25:37 Warning President Putin About Assassination Attempts

02:28:27 Dr. Cholakian is Breaking Protocols with Urgent Appeal

02:31:49 Disclosure of an order from Russian authorities on the liquidation of Dr. Cholakian and Mr. Danilov

02:37:42 The Role of Russian Officers

02:39:47 Final Appeal
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