This Happens Every 12,000 Years

15 October 2023

Today, we are all witnessing a sharp increase in abnormal natural disasters. But what if this is only the beginning?Show more

🔍 Data and facts collected by scientists absolutely confirm that humanity is entering an era of unprecedented events of magnitude and power!

❓ What changes do modern research speak of that occurred on Earth 12,000 years ago, and how is it related to the present time?

❓ What is the reason for the mass extinction of megafauna and the disappearance of Cro-Magnons 12,000 years ago?

❓ Why does the magma erupting from volcanoes contain rare elements found only in the deep layers of the Earth?

❓ What is happening to the Earth's core, and what external influences are causing it?

❓ What cyclicality do scientists talk about, and what characterizes each 24,000-year cycle?

❓ What happened on Earth 72,000 years ago after the eruption of the Toba volcano?
⚠️ Every person today is simply obliged to understand what is happening and to realize what needs to be done before it's too late.

🤝 Our common destiny depends on it!

📣 National Online Conference "Global Crisis. America at the Crossroads 2024":

📍 International online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out" with simultaneous interpretation into 150 languages:

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