Climate Disasters: Panic or Real Threat?

3 April 2023

💭 "I have no expertise in this"

💭 "It's all political games"

💭 "Climate disasters won't affect me"

💭 "Earthquakes have always happened"

So what is your favorite excuse? How do you reassure yourself when you watch the news about another natural disaster?

📢 Do you want to know what's actually happening to climate? On April 22, 2023, at 15:00 GMT, join an online broadcast of the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There is a Way Out" with simultaneous interpreting into 150 languages.

❗ Tell about this event to everyone – your friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Right now the future of the planet and humanity depends on you!

▶️ "Time Is Running Out. Join the Greatest Event in History":

▶️ International Online Forum “Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity” with language selection:

▶️ "Benefits for a Human in the Creative Society":

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Now each person can really do a lot!
The future depends on the personal choice of each individual!