Within ONE second

29 November 2021

Did you know that within just ONE tiny second, certain events are taking place in the world that at first glance are completely invisible to the eye, but are steadily moving consumer society closer and closer to an abyss?

Everybody understands that we can no longer live like this.

This path leads to an abyss.

Everybody understands that actions must be taken,

But many have no idea HOW and WHAT exactly needs to be done.

On December 4, 2021, WE are coming together at the “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth” conference to try to find a solution to all our problems

Do come! Everybody is welcome!

December 4, 2021, 3:00 pm GMT online conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth” with an option of choosing a language of broadcast:


Creative Society project website:


Email: [email protected]

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Now each person can really do a lot!
The future depends on the personal choice of each individual!