Allergies. What Does Climate Change Have To Do With It?

21 February 2022

🤧 The number of people suffering from allergies is increasing every day. The attacks are more frequent, last longer and treatment is no longer effective.

📌 Why are allergies no longer just a seasonal phenomenon?

📌 How are allergies and climate change related?

📣 You will get answers to these and other important questions at the International Online Forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live” on May 7th, 2022, which will be broadcast on thousands of online platforms. All people of the earth are invited! Let's figure out what's going on together:

➡️ Online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the truth" with language selection:

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society international project:

📩 E-mail: [email protected]

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