The Economy That Works for You

3 June 2023

The Creative Society economy is MEGA PRIVILEGES for everyone on the planet:

✨ UBI (unconditional basic income) equivalent to $10,000 per person each month

✨ Free housing of at least 60 square meters per person

✨ Free quality healthcare and education

✨ Free electricity, water and heating

✨ No loans or taxes

How can these conditions be created for every person on the planet? How can the global economy be transformed to serve the people? In what time frame can this be realized?

You will learn about it in this video.

On 22 April 2023, a new era of the Human Renaissance began!

🌍 International online forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out" with simultaneous interpretation in 150 languages:

➡️ Video “Climate Cerberus”:

✅ Please follow the link and subscribe to our channel on Rumble the video hosting platform:

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Now each person can really do a lot!
The future depends on the personal choice of each individual!