How They Force Scientists into Silence | Fragment from the Forum, November 12, 2022

18 November 2022

‼️ Shock! In fact, there is no freedom of speech in the United States. Intimidation and threats are what await anyone who dares to express a point of view different from the one imposed.

Just look at what happened to one of the speakers of the report on the future of humanity presented for the Rotary Club on October 15, 2022. Look at the true face of this club, and what sordid methods of influence were used by one Rotary Club member against John Ahn, Ph.D., business development lead.

The truth about the real cause of climate change and what awaits humanity in the near future infuriated the propagandists of the theory of anthropogenic CO2 influence on climate change on the planet!

Watch and tell others that we are being led to the abyss by those to whom we have handed over the power and responsibility for our lives!

🌏 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity" with the choice of language:

⏩ "WATCH BEFORE THEY DELETE THIS. The Future of Humanity. Nuclear Apocalypse is Real":

⏩ "Global Crisis. USA | International Online Conference, September 24, 2022":

⏩ Video "Climate Cerberus":

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