An Open Appeal by Freemasons to Humanity

23 May 2023

🌍 In this groundbreaking video, watch Sir Frederick Lee McHenry, Grand Master of the World's Masonic United Nations and Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander, 33rd Degree/99th, deliver a game-changing speech at the International Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out."

🔴 You will learn:

🔸 Sir Frederick's passionate call to end conflicts and divisions.

🔸 The importance of uniting in order to build the Creative Society.

🔸 How global challenges require a united response.

🔸 The urgency to create a better future for all.

🎯 Keynotes:

00:00 - Opening speech of Sir Frederick

05:23 - The call for unity and building of the Creative Society

12:47 - How we can overcome global challenges together

19:34 - The path to a better future for everyone

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Now each person can really do a lot!
The future depends on the personal choice of each individual!