Premiere of the Documentary “Water from the Air: Humanity's Path to Survival” on the Creative Society Platform

26 May 2024

Documentary “Water from the Air: Humanity's Path to Survival” about Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG)

Documentary Water from the Air: Humanity's Path to Survival

On May 26, 2024, the Creative Society platform hosted public premiere of the documentary “Water from the Air: Humanity's Path to Survival”

On May 26, 2024, the Creative Society platform hosted the premiere of the documentary “Water from the Air: Humanity's Path to Survival.”

The documentary “Water from the Air: Humanity's Path to Survival” explores causes of climate change on Earth. It examines both natural processes occurring on our planet and the impact of human activity. The film focuses on the issue of access to clean drinking water, which is becoming increasingly critical during global climate change.

According to the United Nations, 2 billion people worldwide currently lack access to safe drinking water. By the most conservative estimates, more than 40% of the planet's population will live in regions where water becomes scarce by 2030. This scarcity could, in turn, lead to destabilization worldwide.

The documentary “Water from the Air: Humanity's Path to Survival” emphasizes the importance of understanding the current situation with water resources and presents specific innovative approaches to addressing these issues.

One such solution is the widespread implementation of Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG).

Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG)

Drawing of Atmospheric Water Generator technology.

In exclusive interviews for the film, Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG) developers answer crucial questions about this technology's technical capabilities and environmental impact. This provides profound insight into its potential.

In an interview, Durga Das, Founder and CEO of AeroNero, explains: “Even if each of the 8 billion people extracts 100 liters of water from moisture, there will be enough evaporation to replenish that amount. This is what we should strive for. After all, this water is clean, and it is available everywhere and to everyone. The world has suddenly realized this alternative source.”

AWG technology has the potential to revolutionize existing agricultural practices and become an essential element in almost all production cycles. Extracting water from the atmosphere will enable us to fully achieve several of the United Nations' sustainable development goals.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Water is not only the source of life but also a crucial element for regulating the climate. The World Meteorological Organization's “State of the Global Climate in 2023” report states that 2023 was the warmest year on record. The forecasts for 2024 are equally disheartening.

“All the indicators are alarming... Some values are not just breaking records; they are shattering them. And the changes are accelerating,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

An increase in climate-related disasters is directly linked to rising atmospheric temperatures. Higher temperatures contribute to increased humidity levels in the atmosphere. Warm air and high humidity favor the formation of tropical cyclones, typhoons, and tornadoes. Additionally, periods of drought can be followed by torrential rains when accumulated moisture is released.

Trend of global temperature change on Earth

Trend of global temperature change on Earth from 1850 to 2023

According to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, 90% of all natural disasters, such as floods and droughts, are water-related. To discuss the role of Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG) in regulating climate change processes, a preview of the documentary “Water from the Air: Humanity's Path to Survival” was held at the international conference “ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS EVENT.” This event took place on May 11, 2024, in Prague, Czech Republic, at the Lucerna National Palace. The conference was organized by the ALLATRA International Public Movement.

“ALLATRA CLIMATE SUMMIT”. Preview of the film “Water from Air: The Path to Saving Humanity”

Preview of the popular science film Water from Air: The Path to Saving Humanity at the international conference ALLATRA CLIMATE SUMMIT

Representatives from 35 countries in Africa, Europe, Asia, and South and North America attended the event. Attendees included academic community members, other public organizations, and the media. The information presented in the film sparked lively interest among the participants.

At the event, Dr. Egon Cholakian, a U.S. national security expert, intelligence educator, and federal lobbyist who has worked with four U.S. presidents, also spoke. He emphasized the urgent need for collaborative efforts to solve climate and water resource issues. 

Dr. A. Egon Cholakian, National Security Expert at the ALLATRA CLIMATE SUMMIT

Dr. A. Egon Cholakian, National Security Expert at the ALLATRA CLIMATE SUMMIT

The “ALLATRA CLIMATE SUMMIT” video and the documentary “Water from the Air: Humanity's Path to Survival” are now available on the Creative Society platform.

About the International Project Creative Society

The Creative Society project is a voluntary association of people that goes beyond politics and religion. Participants in the project come from various ethnic groups, professions, and social spheres and hold different religious and political views, representing 180 countries worldwide. The participants aim to draw the world's attention to the global climate crisis, as well as to investigate its causes and seek solutions. The Creative Society project aligns with the goals and principles outlined in the Charter of the United Nations and contributes to their implementation.

For more information about the Creative Society project, visit the project’s website:

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