Emotions of youth are being affected by the global climate crisis

27 November 2023
Emotions of youth are being affected by the global climate crisis

Olga Schmidt, CEO of the Creative Society based in USA

The social communicator, Claudia Herbas, during her participation in the international conference on Climate Crisis and Social Responsibility “Future-Hope”, said that the emotions of adolescents and young people in the country are being affected by the global climate crisis of a world where the hand of man is killing wildlife and biodiversity.

“With the last fires in the country, where millions of animals died and thousands of hectares were lost. These facts are causing impotence, anxiety, concern, frustration in the new generations that see a desolate future, to such an extent that many do not want to have children with the argument that it is better that they do not come to suffer in this world”, she said.

“The new generations feel hopeless in front of their reality, where man is the worst plague in the world. Adolescents need the support of authorities, institutions, their teachers, their fathers and mothers, and civil society because they are suffering in silence, unable to communicate their feelings,” noted Claudia Herbas.

She emphasized that the change of thinking and attitude of the human being resides in the school. From there, agents of change can be formed to transform the world into an ideal creative society that breaks with obsolete paradigms.

The discussion touched the reality of the current system from different perspectives, whose conclusive document will be prepared with the participation of university students of social sciences, economics, finance, law and engineering with the participation of experts; this document will be the basis for improvement, research and future related events.

The initial projection of the Creative Society Project in Bolivia is to spread the information, so that the country can also integrate the new format of civilization that is proposed, which is viable and feasible; the purpose is to achieve hope and future for the new generations.

“In order for Bolivia to become truly sustainable, the consumer format must change, which implies changing the paradigm of the system, which is highly possible considering that the power to make this decision lies in society, in each one of us”, said the representative of the Coordination Center of the Creative Society Project Bolivia, José Antonio Ríos.

The Creative Society is an international project that unites people from more than 180 countries on a voluntary basis. The aim of the project is the transition, legally and peacefully, in the shortest possible time, to a new creative format of society worldwide, where human life is the highest value.

People from all over the world are behind the Creative Society, who organize themselves and act strictly within the framework of the law, united by a common goal: to create dignified conditions for a peaceful and prosperous life for all humanity and future generations.

The virtual conversation featured prominent panelists in various fields of knowledge such as: Psychology, Astronomy, Public Relations, Journalism, Communication, Sustainable Development and CSR. Among the invited panelists was Olga Shmidt who is a TEDx speaker, specialist in Global Crisis and president of Creative Society USA. National experts and guests included Danitza Montaño, environmental journalist; Mariela Baldivieso, clinical psychologist; Claudia Herbas, expert in Social Communication and Connection with Generation Z; Williams Colque, Community Teen Leader; Raquel Ruiz, Org Vive Director, and Rodolfo Zalles, PHD Director of the National Astronomical Observatory.

The program was conducted by María José Lema and directed by José Antonio Ríos, both ESP+ specialists. The international technical team was led by Vladimir Melnik, Natalie Loborchuck and Katerina Tyapinova, with the support of Ana Violeta de La Quintana and volunteers from the International Creative Society Project.

Featured on Eldiario

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