Live broadcast on December 4, 2021 at 15.00 (GMT)/
100 languages of simultaneous interpreting/
180 countries

International Online ConferenceGLOBAL CRISIS.

The international online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" is a large-scale event organized by volunteers from 180 countries on the platform of Creative Society. It will be broadcast on thousands of media channels worldwide.
Official Trailer
Official Trailer
Video of the Conference
Video of the Conference
The objective of the conference is to inform humankind honestly and truthfully about the scale of the climate and environmental crises, about the impending threats, and the real way out.
Key topics of the conference:
What is the real climate situation on the planet?
What are the environmental consequences of reckless human consumerism?
Why only in the Creative Society is it possible to stabilize the ecological equilibrium of our planet?
Why, in the face of planetary cataclysms, the Creative Society is the only way out?

Since the time of the previous conference, we have been observing the accelerating progression of climate change. Irreversible changes to the planet are recorded daily.

Do we look at the root of the escalating problems?

Public figures, researchers, scientists, and experts from various fields will participate in the conference and share their views on the cause of the growing climatic and ecological crises.

We aim to inform humanity about the real problems, in order to stop the impending disaster together. Neither borders nor walls can stop climate change.

Only by building the Creative Society can a planetary-scale disaster be prevented. The Creative Society is our only chance to survive.

Everyone must hear the alarm bell of the imminent threat to humanity.
Everyone must see the irrefutable facts and evidence of impending disasters. It is time for the Truth!

At this conference, we welcome every person who is not indifferent to his fate, to the fate of his children, his loved ones, and to the fate of all humankind! There is nothing more important today than information on how our humanity can survive, and how to save our planet.

Join the online conference "GLOBAL CRISIS. TIME FOR THE TRUTH" on December 4. Now it's up to everyone how quickly people will find out the Truth and unite. The future of humanity is in your hands!

HEROES BEHIND THE SCENES | How We're Preparing for the Conference Global Crisis. Time for the Truth
HEROES BEHIND THE SCENES | How We're Preparing for the Conference Global Crisis. Time for the Truth
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